Steve's Journal

I will continue interviewing, talking to and corresponding with Centenarians across America. As we uncover these "Nuggets" of Wisdom, Wit and Advice, they will be posted on my blog. Enjoy, Live Long and Grow Wise.

The Guinness Book of World Records World's Oldest Person has turned 115!

Ms. Besse Cooper is 115!!!! I was so blessed to help Besse celebrate this incredible birthday. She looked fantastic. She inspires me everyday to keep shooting for my goal of living to 120. Also attending in Monroe, GA was Guinness World Records representative Robert Young who presented her with a certificate honoring her World's Oldest Person status for the second time. Besse's family and friends who were in attendance were smiling with pride. What a great day for them and for Ms. Besse. I told her what an inspiration she is for me and so many Centenarian 'wannabes'. She is a beautiful person and extraordinary SuperCentenarian.

       Ms. Besse Cooper- 115 years old    Steve and Ms. Besse

 Steve, Ms. Besse and Guinness World Records representative Robert Young